Yokohama, the capital city of Kanagawa prefecture, ranked number one on a recent survey by Recruit Sumai co., the company behind the popular Suumo real estate service. While Yokohama is technically located in Kanagawa, Tokyo is only a short train ride away at only less than one hour. For this reason, Yokohama is considered to be part of the Greater Tokyo Area.

Yokohama is a major hub of business, both domestic and international, with a rich history in international relations. Yokohama was the first port to be opened to international visitors in 1859. Due to being the location where many people from all around the world came to trade and do business, many people from Asian and Europeans settled here. Today, you can find remnants of the past in Yokohama’s large Chinatown and western style neighborhoods. Yokohama remains multicultural and prosperous for both Japanese and non-Japanese to the present day.

Beyond the historical background of the city, Yokohama is a bustling and attractive city home to many residents and successful businesses. While you may be inclined to think that Yokohama is just as busy as Tokyo, you may be pleased to find that Yokohama is relatively calmer and more relaxed than the metropolitan capital of Japan. This calm atmosphere translates over to the residents as well, famous for their gentle and friendly demeanor. No matter where you go, you will always feel welcomed in Yokohama!

Yokohama also provides excellent opportunities for many types of businesses. Weather you are looking to work at an already established major corporation such as Nissan Motors, Hitachi, or Toshiba, or establish your own business, you wont find it difficult to become immersed in the world of commerce.

Yokohama has a variety of property available to meet your needs. Whether you are looking for luxury class living, a detached house, or an apartment that just provides the basics, you won’t find it difficult to find your dream property.

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