More multi-lingual websites are available now for foreigners looking to buy or rent a property in Japan. Although you might be able to get some language support from those multi-bilingual websites or companies,the information in non-Japanese is very limited.
For those who wish to read and understand basic property information in Japanese, here is a list of real estate terminology in Japanese that might be able to help you get more information about properties in Japan!
For Property Information on Portal Site
一戸建て House
マンション Apartment/Condominium
売る Sell
買う Buy
借りる/賃貸 Rent
物件名 Property Name
建物名 Building Name
部屋番号 Unit Number
面積 Size
土地面積 Land Area
表面利回り Gross Yield
価格 Price
間取り Layout
専有面積 Exclusive Area
所在階/建物階 Floor
所在地/住所 Address
交通 Transportation
最寄り駅 Nearest Station
徒歩~分 Minutes walking distance
取引形態 Transaction Type
築年月 Year Built
総戸数 Total Units
新築 Newly Built
中古 Second Hand Property
空家/空き家 Vacant
居住中 Occupied
管理費 Maintenance Fee
修繕積立金 Saving Repair Funds
所有権 Freehold
借地権 Leasehold
建物構造 Structure
鉄筋コンクリート Reinforced Concrete
鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート Steel Reinforced Concrete
木造 Wooden Structure
リフォーム Renovation
設備 Facilities
オートロック Self-locking door
エレベーター Elevator
ブロードバンド Broadband Networks
ベランダ Veranda
バルコニー Balcony
ジム Gym
洗濯機 Washing Machine
乾燥機 Drying Machine
浴室乾燥機 Bathroom Dryer
TV モニターフォン Video Intercom System
駐車場 Parking Lot
Additionally, Japanese apartments have a legend to illustrate their layouts:
“1K” is one of the examples of layout abbreviation.
The number indicates the number of rooms.
L = Living Room
D = Dining Room
K = Kitchen
S = Storage Room or Service Room, which usually indicates a small area that serves as a walk-in closet.
R = Room
Please feel free to contact us for more multi-lingual support throughout your search!